Music in Worship
Many of us wake up every morning to music. We drive to and from work listening to music. At the gym, on a walk, and we go throughout our days we listen to music. And each Sunday as we come and hear music in worship as it frames our services.
Music serves many distinct purposes in our lives and especially within our Christian tradition.
1. Music teaches us the gospel.
Hymns and spiritual songs take our faith and compact it. In fact, the melody and phrasing of music make our faith memorable. Before we hear a word of scripture read or preached in the service, we’ve already taken in the spirit through music. Hymns and other forms of music instruct us in the gospel, touching our hearts as well as our minds.
2. Music connects us to God in unique ways.
The purpose of music goes beyond simply instruction. In many ways, it allows for a direct connection with God in ways sermons maybe can’t or don’t. Singing allows a part of our hearts to speak to God in a way that doesn’t happen when we hear the spoken word.
Have you ever noticed that something incredible happens when we sing? You can feel it when you sing alone, but most especially when you sing as part of a congregation in worship. Something awakens not only in the heart of each person but also in the collective heart of the body of Christ, connecting us to each other and to God in the deepest part of who we are.
Singing as a part of Christian worship is so much more than mere mental exercise. God created us to communicate with the very depths of our spirit, and singing is a way we can accomplish this in a profound and meaningful way.
3. Music allows us to express our love to God with our whole being.
Scripture commands us in Deuteronomy 6:5 to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might”. This verse emphasizes the entire body, not through outward actions but with devotion and love.
Singing is one of the ways in which we express our love towards God with our whole being. We engage every part of our being in worship to God.
Worshiping through music changes and transforms us. It inclines our hearts to God in ways other forms can’t accomplish. Worship strengthens us, convicts us, builds us up, and even restores us. In other words, when we sing and devote our whole selves to God, something godly happens within us.
4. Music as worship fulfills God’s command.
Throughout scripture, we are commanded to sing.
God calls us to sing praise to the Lord and to sing in his presence.
From the Heart
Singing is an important part of who we are and who God created us to be. We’re all wired uniquely. We have different gifts, strengths, and favorite styles of music. Scripture encourages us to find the music that allows our hearts to sing and connect to God. What touches us may be organ music, old hymns, contemporary music, praise music, piano, guitar, or any of a wide range of genres.
Music in worship that honors God will cause our hearts to sing. And when our hearts sing, worship happens. We are transformed on the inside as we are filled with the Spirit and devote everything we are to worship, praise, and thanksgiving to God.
Has God used music in worship to touch your heart and life in a special way? Tell us about it!