Welcome to Oak Grove United Methodist Church

Here at Oak Grove, our mission is Building Us, Building Others, and Building Up for God! We built our mission on the backbone of the United Methodist Church mission which states, “The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
Our service blends traditional and contemporary styles and includes the spoken word, music, and prayer.
Located just a short drive north of Howell, Michigan,
Oak Grove United Methodist Church is here to serve the local community.
Services every Sunday morning at 9:45am with Fellowship time following
Phone: (517) 546-3942
E-mail: oakgrove3395@gmail.com
All are welcome.
Our service blends traditional and contemporary styles and includes the spoken word, music, and prayer.

Lenten Season 2025
Warm greetings in the love of Christ!
We invite you to make Lent a season of strong spiritual focus in your life. Connect with God and with one another. Our theme is, “Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope.” Join us! In this series, we explore the most common worries and fears experienced by people today, consider practical steps for overcoming these fears, and reflect upon fear in the light of scripture and a faith that promises again and again that we don’t need to live in fear. Let’s live with courage and hope.
In the spirit of the Living Christ,
Pastors Doug and Marianne McMunn
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Worship Services with the imposition of ashes will be offered at 10:00am at Oak Grove UMC and 6:15pm at Howell FUMC on 1230 Bower Street. The Theme for today: “Buried with Christ in Baptism”.
Our Sunday worship series is “Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope in Uncertain Times.”
Sunday, March 9 Lent I – “Understanding and Countering Fear”
Sunday, March 16 Lent II – “Overcoming Our Fear of Other People”
Sunday, March 23 Lent III – “Rising Above the Fear of Failure”
Sunday, March 30 Lent IV – “Finding Financial Peace”
UMCOR Sunday Supports our emergency response and refuge assistance.
Sunday, April 6 Lent V – “Thriving in an Age of Loneliness”; Holy Communion
A Lenten Study Group will meet on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. beginning February 25 for 6 weeks. We will use the Adam Hamilton book from the sermon series. You do not have to attend all sessions – feel free to join in as available or to request the book. ALL are welcome for a time of learning and discussion as we gather for this video-based study.
Please sign up for the study and pick up a book in the Lobby. Contact Pastor Marianne for additional books.
Holy Week (April 13 – 20)
Prayer Walk: 24/7 Visit the outdoor stations with a copy of the prayer guide
found near the front door at Oak Grove UMC
Palm Sunday, April 13: “The Courage of Our Lord”
Worship at 9:15 at Oak Grove UMC (please note special time)
Easter Cantata at 10:30 at Howell FUMC
Maundy Thursday, April 17
Worship at 6:00 pm with Holy Communion in the Sanctuary
Good Friday, April 18
Prayer Vigil in Sanctuary 9am-12pm
Community Worship at First Presbyterian Church 12 p.m.
Easter Sunday, April 20: “Unafraid: Living with Courage and Hope”
8:30am Easter Breakfast in Fellowship Hall 9:45am Easter Worship in the Sanctuary
All are invited to join us at Howell First United Methodist Church for the Wednesday Weekly Dinner each Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at the Howell FUMC on Bower Street in Howell.

We invite you to order Easter flowers in honor or in memory of a loved one. Let’s make the sanctuary come alive with color on Easter! Purchase an Easter plant in memory or honor of someone or purchase one just because they’re beautiful! Call the office for details. All orders must be received by the church office by March 30, 2024. We are once again purchasing them through our friends at the Milford United Methodist Church, so please make checks payable to MUMW (Milford United Methodist Women)
Please contact the church office at 517-546-3942 or oakgrove3395@gmail.com